Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Web Resources

I was in Ms. Green's classroom this morning, and I happened to notice that she had taken a look at a site I recommended earlier, ReadWriteThink, and found some instructional materials. In fact, she has one set of materials that I think I will purloin on my way out of her class (Ms. Green, if you are missing your visualizing materials, I have them.).

Also, Ms. Green has discovered some other sites. I understand that must of you are aware of them already and are currently using them, but I will mention them nonetheless: Education World and Both sites are free and contain a plethora of resources. However, Education World is a bit more comprehensive. Not only does it address classroom instructional concerns and needs, but it also addresses administrative and technological concerns as well. In addition, it features a section just for parents and students and a section adressing student issues. If you haven't done so already, it's worth a look.

Just one caveat before I close. A lot of really good resources can be found on the web to include lesson plans. But as you use these resources, be discriminating. In other words, don't just select materials to keep your students busy, but select materials that facillitate the meeting of your instructional objectives most effectively.

Daily Buzzword

Click on the Buzzword below for meaning and usage:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Daily Buzzword

Click on the Buzzword below for meaning and usage:

Monday, September 22, 2008

Book Resources

Today I located two possible math resources. One resource links vocabulary and mathematics, and the other links literacy and mathematics. I haven't had the chance to peruse either one yet, but they were both recommended by The Mathematical Association of America. The names of the texts are Teaching Mathematics Vocabulary in Context: Windows, Doors, and Secret Passageways by Mimi Murray and Literacy Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction Euthecia Hancewicz, et. al. Someone please take a look at these and let me know what you think.

Web Resource

For ELA and reading teachers and parents, I have located a web resource that appears very promising. contains resources for both reading and ELA. It covers skills from grammar to vocabulary and contains a number of lesson plans and activities that can be used in the classroom or in the home. Take a look at this site the first chance you get.

Daily Buzzword

Click on the Buzzword below for meaning and usage:

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Internet Resource

Math people, don't say that I don't ever think of you. I have two neat sites for your. I was peeking over my wife's shoulder as she searched for math resources and discovered these sites. Take a look at it and see what you think. features about twenty or so math games. appears to be the parent site for It advertises itself as "An amusement park of math and more." The ages it services are listed at 13-100. Not only does it feature games, but it appears to contain lesson plans and activities as well. I also see an online math dictionary, a math practice area, and an area for parents. It covers pre-algebra, algegra, and geometry. This is certainly a site you should check out!

Membership Has Its Privileges

I have often encouraged you to join the professional organization for your respective discipline. This is another attempt to exhort you to do so as soon as possible.

Each discipline has its own national professional organization. And most also has its own state affiliate to the national organization. Membership to the national or state organization allows the member a number of invaluable privileges.

Membership gives you immediate access to body of educators working toward the same aim. This body of educators offers lesson plans as well as lesson ideas and activities. Most organizations even feature discussion boards so that individual members can connect with one another to discuss issues and nagging questions.

Also, members have access to newsletters and research journals relevant to their discipline. But if that isn’t enough, you get first news of professional development opportunities and awards, grants, and scholarships. Discounts on professional publications are an added advantage.

Families and students are not left out of the equation; most member associations feature sections aimed at families and/or students.

At the very least, join your local state affiliate. The Florida affiliates for each feature FCAT standards-based lesson plans.

If you are serious about this profession, it is imperative that you join your discipline’s professional organization; this is the first step in becoming a true professional.

National and State Professional Organizations by Discipline:

English & Language Arts
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Florida Council of Teachers of English (FCTE)

International Reading Association (IRA)
Florida Reading Association (FRA)

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Florida Council of Teachers of Mathematics (FCTM)

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

Social Studies
National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
Florida Council for the Social Studies (FCSS)

Physical Education/Health
American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (AAPAR)
American Association for Health Education (AAHE)

Daily Buzzword

Click on the Buzzword below for meaning and usage:

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Funny Math Video

All of you who know me, know that math is anathema to me. I know very little about math. I leave that math mumbo-jumbo stuff to Ms. Mitchell. However, I do know funny, and this video is funny. The math and science people will probably get it. If you reading and ELA people need help, just see me, and I'll do my best to explain it to you given my limited math knowledge:)

Study Resource: studybulb

I found yet another resource! This time I found something that might be useful for students to study. It's called studybulb. It allows you to create web-based flashcards and matching and multiple choice quizzes. To see how it works simply click on the link above or the logo to your right. Also, I have created three simple sets of flashcards and quizzes on the prefixes, roots, and suffixes we have been studying.

Grading Resource: Engrade

I know that some of you are using Micrograde and some of you are still using the old-school grade books, but I have located a grading program, or more truthfully, Mr. Fortune alerted me to a grading program, that is worth you taking time to check-out.

Engrade is a free set of web-based tools for educators allowing them to manage their classes online while providing parents and students with 24/7 real-time online class information. It's private, secure, truly free, and unbelievably easy to use.
The feature I like best is that it allows parents to log on at any time and see their student's grades. If the student is missing an assignment or is just not doing his or her best, the parents can be apprised of this immediately. So, to check it out just click on the logo or the underlined link above.

Daily Buzzword

Click on Buzzword below for meaning and usage:

Book Resource for Math Instructors

Some math instructors have inquired of me concerning a book of math stories or a book of math read-alouds. I think I've found the perfect book. I haven't had a chance to read Number stories of Long Ago by David E. Smith, however, I've been advised that it contains a number of stories that introduce students to complicated math theories by simplifying them through a story telling format. I haven't had the opportunity to review this book yet, and you know I am a mathaphobe, so could someone review this book for me and let me know what you think?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 has become my latest obsession. Mr. Fortune introduced this vocabulary site to me. It allows you to practice your vocabulary, and for every correct answer, the site sponsors donate rice to through the United Nations World Food Program to help end hunger.

Excellent Web Resources

Are you looking for a site with ready to use standards-based lesson plans and activities? Are you looking for a site which allows you access to the highest quality practices and resources in reading and language arts instruction? Then I've got just what you need. Check out ReadWriteThink. ReadWriteThink is a site operated by the International Reading Association (IRA) and the National Council of Teachers of English (NTCE). It contains a plethora of standards-based plans and activities and a number of different resources for all grade levels. If you are serious about teaching reading or language arts, then you must view this site.

Also, worth mentioning is The vocabulary oriented website includes daily buzzwords and games as well as a section for educators. In addition, this site contains a wide range of etymology information plus an online dictionary, thesaurus, and rhyming dictionary.

The Truth about Book Lists

I have had a lot of questions about the use of book lists in deciding what students should be reading. Book lists have their good qualities and bad qualities. Okay, I'll give you the good qualities first. Book lists give us a general idea of what students might like to read. I say might, and that leads us to the bad part. Most book lists are compiled by adults. That is to say, most book lists are simply a list of children and adolescent literature that adults like. And you know as well as I do that most of the time what adults like and children like are two different things altogether.

The best way to pick books for your child is to allow them to choose their reading material themselves. They know better than anyone what they like. Also, you might ask a librarian what is popular, or if you are in a book store, ask the manager what most students your child's age are reading. But perhaps the best means to determine if your child might like or dislike a book is simply ask another child. But if you are really looking for book lists, try the following link. It is a list of book lists put together by the American Library Association (ALA). It will more than get you started.

How Do I Know My Child Is Reading?

This is in response to another parent question. A parent recently told me that she does set up a time for her child to read every night; however, she did not know if the child was really reading or if the child was simply going through the motions. How, she asks, can she verify that the child is really reading.

It is as simple as having a conversation with the child. It's always good to talk to your child about what he or she is reading. Here are some questions to ask your child to get you started.

  1. Have you had trouble reading any part of your book? Which part? What did you do when you had trouble?

  2. What is one question you’d like to ask the author about this book?

  3. Did the author tell you everything you wanted to know about __________? What else would you like to know?

  4. [for fiction] Who is this story about? What problem does that character have?

  5. [for fiction] Can you tell me three events in the order in which they have happened so far?

  6. [for nonfiction] What is the main idea of this part? What are some details that the author gives to support that idea?

  7. [for nonfiction] Can you tell me in a few sentences what this part is about?

  8. [Read aloud a passage containing strong imagery.] What picture do you see in your mind when you hear or read this?]

  9. Has any part of this book reminded you of something in your own life?

  10. What do you think will happen next?

  11. [for nonfiction] What facts does the book give about this subject? What conclusion can you make in your head about those facts?

  12. [for fiction] How do you think the character is feeling right now? Why do you think that?

  13. What is the most important bit of information you’ve read so far?

For my own children, I like to recommend to them books that I have read, or sometimes I pick up two copies of the same book if I think they would be interested in the title. That way we can have conversations about the book.

Also, you might get a subscription of his or her favorite magazine. Two of my children's favorite magazines are People and Entertainment Weekly. Every Friday they race to the mailbox to get the week's copy! Since these two magazines usually feature celebrities, it is easy to start a conversation about a certain person or a certain article in the magazine.

Family Literacy Fair

Florida Community College at Jackson is sponsoring a family literacy fair. The literacy fair features Radio Disney and is for all ages. Also, there will be fun and entertainment, live performances and demonstrations as well as age appropriate reading activities. For more information, call 904-766-6553.

Saturday, September 20, 2008
10 am - 2 pm
Florida Community College
North Campus--North Courtyard
4501 Capper Road
Directions: (I-95 to Dunn Ave. or I-295 to Dunn Ave.)
Admission to all activities is FREE; lunch will be provided.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What Should My Child Be Reading?

This morning I had an interesting conversation with a parent. I got his permission to recreate that conversation here.

He was concerned about what his son was reading. His son is a sixth grader who reads voraciously. He reads constantly. At least he did. You see, he loved reading fantasy books. You know the ones, books like The Circle of Magic Series, The Edge Chronicles, or the Pendragon series. His father grew tired of his son reading what he thought of as garbage, so his father insisted that he read the classics—William Shakespeare, Alexandre Dumas, George Orwell, and so on. When he caught him reading “garbage”, he would take it from him and replace it with one of the classics. Eventually, his son stopped reading altogether.

The questions he asked me were, “How do I get him reading again, and how do I get him to read the classics?” My answer was simple; let him read what he wants. I absolutely love the classics, but when I was a child, I loved garbage too. In fact, my love for the classics came much, much later when I was a college student and had the tools to really appreciate them.

So this is my advice to you. Don’t worry about what your child is reading. Just make sure they are reading. As his or her love for reading builds, pretty soon they’ll pick up the classics on their own.

Another Excellent Book Resource

This morning as I was preparing lesson plans, I came across another excellent book resource that you might want to consider. Chris Kensler’s The Word Whiz’s Guide to Florida Middle School Vocabulary for Grades 6-8 contains more than 600 words important for middle school students taking the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The book contains words germane to every discipline—ELA, social studies, math, science—as well as words important for understanding test instructions and all purpose words. In addition, the book features an easy to read and understand format. Check it out!

Vocabulary Principles & Effective Vocabulary Instruction

Teachers, just a short post to disseminate some good information I came across and to alert you to a great resource. As we continue our concentration on vocabulary, I thought that I would provide you with this brief excerpt from Laura Robb’s text Easy Mini-Lessons for Building Vocabulary: Practical Strategies that Boost Word Knowledge and Reading Comprehension. If ever you get the time, stop by the media center and take a look, and you can also purchase it online. I got my copy from Amazon.

Key Teaching Principles of a Rich Vocabulary Program

1. Make explicit vocabulary instruction at least a three-times-a-week tradition.

2. Give students a voice by allowing them to pick words.

3. Present vocabulary mini-lessons.

Guidelines for Effective Vocabulary Instructions

1. READ! READ! And then READ MORE!

2. Avoid new word overload (four or five new words are plenty).

3. Allow students to choose words too.

4. Reserve class time for vocabulary building.

5. Creatively link words to students’ experiences.

6. Point out the clues that writers leave.

7. Slow Down, new word coming through! Words in English have multiple meanings; repeatedly use target words in reading, writing, speaking and thinking, so students can absorb variations in meaning.

8. Exchange experiences with words.

Adapted from Easy Mini-Lessons for Building Vocabulary by Laura Robb.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Teachers, check out LEaRN!

LEaRN is a must see! You cannot do without LEaRN.

LEaRN is a web-based video resource created through a grant from Just Read, Florida! to the North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC). LEaRN is a technology-based system of support for Florida teachers, reading coaches and principals as they implement best practices in reading instruction. Designed to immediately answer questions teacher pose about the best instructional practices in teaching reading, LEaRN provides:

  • Scientifically-based reading research on the five essential components of reading as identified in the National Reading Panel Report;
  • Reading instructional strategies based on research;
    Assessment approaches that are aligned with reading research;
  • Video examples and lesson plans depicting research-based teaching strategies in real classrooms;
  • Video of experts’ commentary on research-based teaching strategies; and
  • An accessible reference system of research based practices available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You must sign up to use LEaRN. Click on the link to your right under teachers and set up your account right away!

Emphasis: Vocabulary

The Reading Leadership Team (RLT) has identified vocabulary as an area of immediate concern. To this end, for the month of September, we will be concentrating on vocabulary during our daily reading period. We will continue this emphasis during the course of the school year.

I cannot emphasize how important the development of a good vocabulary is to student success in and out of the classroom. I can assure you that your students reading instructor will be doing everything humanly possible to insure your student develops those all important vocabulary skills. The most important thing you as a parent can do is to insure your student reads everyday. Also, you will find a list websites to the right of this blog that will assist your student in developing a good vocabulary.

Encouraging Students to Read

If students are to improve their reading ability, it is important that they read, both in school and out of school. As with most skills, reading skills get better with practice. Students will get plenty reading practice while here at school; however, it is up to parents to insure that students read at home. First, please insure that your student has plenty of reading material on hand. Books, newspapers, magazines—and yes, even comic books—are all acceptable. Here are just a few tips to get students reading at home:

  • Make the local public library a frequent family outing.
  • Make reading a family activity.
  • Turn off the television (and video games).
  • Set a time every evening for reading (about thirty minutes).
  • Read to the student or have the student read to you.
  • Take time to discuss what the student is reading.
  • Ask questions about what the student is reading.
  • Make sure they see you reading!

This list of tips is by no means complete. It is just something to get you started. Happy reading!

Welcome to the Eagle Coaches' Chronicle

Welcome parents and teachers. We are developing this resource as an on-line meeting place and information source for both parents and teachers. We will endeavor to update this space as frequently as possible, so check back often. In addition, if you have any questions and/or comments, do not hesitate to contact us. Also, at the end of each post, you are able to respond simply by clicking the link. Together, let’s work to increase our students’ literacy levels.