Friday, September 19, 2008

Grading Resource: Engrade

I know that some of you are using Micrograde and some of you are still using the old-school grade books, but I have located a grading program, or more truthfully, Mr. Fortune alerted me to a grading program, that is worth you taking time to check-out.

Engrade is a free set of web-based tools for educators allowing them to manage their classes online while providing parents and students with 24/7 real-time online class information. It's private, secure, truly free, and unbelievably easy to use.
The feature I like best is that it allows parents to log on at any time and see their student's grades. If the student is missing an assignment or is just not doing his or her best, the parents can be apprised of this immediately. So, to check it out just click on the logo or the underlined link above.

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